Jan 29, 2019
We were in the studio for Tourism Tuesday - Berryville/Clarke County edition - with Len Capelli, Director of Economic Development & Tourism for Clarke County, and his guest, Nathan Stalvey, Board President of Berryville Main Street & Executive Director of Clarke County Historical Association. We talked about the changes and new things happening with Berryville Main Street including hiring a new Executive Director, IDA funding for a feasibility study for a boutique hotel, and a few new businesses that have opened in recent months. For more information about Berryville Main Street, visit their website: https://berryvillemainstreet.org/ Nathan also talked about Clarke County Historical Association's newest staff member, Education Coordinator, Taylor Coumes, new exhibits and upcoming events. For more information, visit their website: http://www.clarkehistory.org/ Our conversation included discussions about business development, the important role Main Street organizations play in both economic development and tourism, plus Len gave us a preview of some events happening in the Spring.