Jan 25, 2019
We were in the studio for "United Way Day" with Nadine Pottinga, Executive Director for the United Way of Northern Shenandoah Valley and her guest, Ben Dolewski from member agency, Page Free Clinic. We talked about the services offered by Page Free Clinic and the importance of their facility in the Luray/Page County community. Ben also told us about the role grants from United Way NSV play in their continued operations. Nadine gave us an update on their latest campaign that just ended and talked about the next step - fund distribution. She asked for community volunteers to sit on panels to help determine which organizations receive funding and how much it may be. For more information about United Way of Northern Shenandoah Valley, visit their website: https://www.unitedwaynsv.org/ For more information about Page Free Clinic, visit their website: https://pagefreeclinic.org/